
Dear parents/guardians and students,

Each year students in the State of Michigan take standardized achievement tests.  These tests are used for many purposes. The Michigan Department of Education uses them for school accountability and ranking.  Marshall Academy uses the results to plan curriculum and school improvement.  Teachers use the results to inform instruction.  It is important that students take these tests each year, and that they take them seriously by doing their very best.  

We understand that a standardized test is one snapshot of a student.  There are many data points and observations that we as teachers make daily to help us better meet the needs of your students.  But that doesn’t mean this test isn’t important.  

The State doesn’t get to see all of the great accomplishments your students do every day.  What they see are these results.  We don’t teach to the test.  We teach students to think, we prepare them for a test environment, and we make sure standards are taught.  Then it is up to the student to do their very best on test day.  

All grades 8th - 11th will be taking a SAT/PSAT test on Wednesday, April 12th.

Additionally, 11th grade will be taking the ACT Workkeys on Thursday, April 13th.

We recommend that seniors visit colleges or work on their 20 hours of community service on these two days.  There will not be regular classes in the mornings.

Juniors will be excused from the CACC on Weds and Thurs due to testing and may leave once testing is completed (approximately 1 PM each day).

Afternoon classes for 8th-10th will resume after testing on Wednesday.

There is an accommodated window for students with special education services and plans.  There is also a makeup date at the end of April for any students who do not make it to testing on initial test dates.  However, given our limited number of staff and space, it is our hope that students can make the initial test date.

Thank you,

Michelle Skaggs

Assessment Coordinator

